Archives for category: Urban

//A recent trip for work found me in southeast Spain. I managed to find some time to go exploring around Mojacar pueblo during the siesta one day. The town takes on quite a different feel when all of the residents are tucked away in their homes away from the midday sun.






//All shot on Fuji Acros 100 using a Zeiss 518/16.

// On a recent trip I came across this scene that reminded me of the work of Stephen Shore, albeit in B&W rather than his pioneering colour imagery of such scenes. What I enjoy about this scene is the detail; the woman waiting to cross the road, the driver who has decided they are probably in the wrong lane at the lights, the guy stood outside of his car perhaps wondering where he has put his keys. I feel that the mundane setting helps to emphasise the detail and intricacies present that would perhaps be over-looked if there was a central focus to the image.


// Captured using a Canon AE-1 with 50mm f1.8 lens on Kodak 400CN film.

// I have started to build up a collection of images featuring derelict buildings from around the country, or areas of dereliction juxtaposed with newly developed areas (much like the image of the up-and-coming part of Edinburgh; 15/07/2012). This image was captured whilst out for a family walk in Lincolnshire. An area with a strong tradition in farming and milling. This building appears to have once been involved with the food industry of the area, quite probably flour. It is apparent this business had fallen on hard times. Immediately next to this run-down building is a RSPB reserve.


// Captured on Rollei retro 100 film using a Canon EOS 650 & 50mm f1.8 lens.


\\ Ageing Volvo parked in a side street in Graz, Austria. Older cars have a look that bestows an honest, straight-forward feel upon them. Aesthetically pleasing in a functional way that modern cars seem to lack. Perhaps beautiful is not the correct word to use, but they possess a beauty of their own unique kind.

\\ Captured on Adox CHS art 50 film using a Canon EOS 650. Post-scanning processing: tone & border in pxlr-o-matic.

\\Captured whilst in Graz, Austria. The reflection in the hotel window caught my eye; it wasn’t until after I took the photo and looked again at the scene that I realised that it was the reflection that was the correct orientation, not the sign itself.

// Welcome to my blog dedicated to black and white images. The images that appear on these pages will have been captured using traditional film and hand developed by me. I hope you enjoy them.

// A new waterfront development in Edinburgh overlooking the forth. Interesting mix of new, up-and-coming area, with dereliction prior to development.